FEMM Electromagnetics Simulations
This is a collection of simulations I made using Finite Element Method Magnetics.
The simulations also include the calculated output result and revolve mostly around basic magnetic structures and cables. More specifically:
- C shaped ferromagnetic core with fed coil and 1 air gap
- Simple single phase PVC cable with and without air gap
- C shaped ferromagnetic core with fed coil and 2 air gaps
- Four salient poles ferromagnetic structure (rotor and stator) 1
- Four salient poles ferromagnetic structure (rotor and stator) 2
- C shaped ferromagnetic core with permanent magnet (magnetic short circuit, air gap, permanent magnet in air)
- Three phase cable
Some example of results (B field for magnetic structures and E field for cables). I left out the scales out since these images are just for display.
B and H field strength in 4 salient poles ferromagnetic structure (rotor and stator). Note how H is mostly concentrated in the air gap.
E field strength comparison in PVC insulated cables
4 salient poles ferromagnetic structure B field strength (rotor and stator). Saturation in poles with peak flux density is 1.6 T in the poles.
Three phase cable E field strength
Electromagnet with fed coil and 2 air gaps B field strength
Permanent magnet in C shaped air gapped ferromagnetic core (schematic of FEMM model)
Permanent magnet in C shaped air gapped ferromagnetic core B field strength